A reliable shoulder in family matters
Get the strategy for your case and a step-by-step action plan during the consultation
Family Lawyer
About me
I knew I wanted to become a lawyer since the 8th grade, and I have never regretted my choice for a single day. It's one of those cases where work has become my passion and an integral part of my life.

About me
My name is Elena Chadova, and I am a family law attorney, mediator, and psychologist.
In 2010, I obtained the status of a lawyer after a brief stint in law enforcement and interviews with the prosecutor's office.
Thanks to these life stages, I realized that I was more inclined to advocate for defense and pursue goals through honest means. Later, I went through a divorce myself, which helped me better understand both sides and anticipate their actions in court.
My source of strength is the mountains, where I recharge and rejuvenate. One of my closest goals is to conquer Mount Elbrus. I'm also involved in auto and moto sports. My daughter and I often spend weekends at a spa outside the city
During leisure time, I read a lot of psychology literature, complementing my second degree in Psychology. Many insights I implement into practice, which helps me and my clients overcome crises with ease and speed.
Cases won
Divorce experienced personally
Served clients
Million rubles saved for clients
Concluded of cases with a settlement
Years of practice
Offline | Online Consultation
Includes psychological support, case strategy, and action plan.
Comprehensive legal representation
Divorce with asset / Child division or both / Guardianship and child support
Comprehensive legal representation
Asset division
without divorce
Comprehensive legal representation
Inheritance disputes
Comprehensive legal representation
Divorce without asset / Child division / Domestic violence
Educational workshops
Development of communication skills, conflict resolution, family dynamics, legal literacy, psychological well-being
Starting from 300$
* Transportation and travel expenses for out-of-town consultations are charged separately
Services and prices
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Submit a consultation request online or offline through the chatbot, website, or social media.
During the consultation, you'll receive psychological support, case strategy, and a plan of action.
We proceed to court according to our strategy. In this case, the consultation fee will be included in the cost of legal representation.
You won't participate in the process and will only receive notifications about the progress from me.
Celebrate victory in court.
I've become a victim of abuse again.. I can't take it anymore, but where should I go? 😢
Frequently Asked Questions
My father passed away, and my sister took all the inheritance for herself. What should I do? 😨
I found out my wife is cheating on me with a colleague. I don't want to see her and demand a divorce 😡
We've lost all interest and respect for each other. We only stay together for the sake of the children. There must be a way out of this situation, right? 😣
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Elena Chadova-Family Lawyer
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71 Vatutina St. office 310

Mon-Fri from 10 to 19
Family Lawyer
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